
Snapchat's "Lily" AI Assistant: Embracing Gender Inclusivity

Embracing Inclusivity: Snapchat's Decision

Embracing Inclusivity: Snapchat's Decision

As of March 8, 2023, Snapchat made a significant change to its AI adjunct, "Lily." Lily was no longer assigned a specific gender, as the tech giant decided to make her gender non-binary. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind Snapchat's decision and the responses to this move.

Preface: Embracing Inclusivity

Snapchat's decision to redefine Lily's identity as non-binary is rooted in a commitment to inclusivity. The company has consistently strived to provide a platform where users of all backgrounds and identities feel welcomed.

Reflecting User Diversity

Snapchat boasts a diverse user base, encompassing individuals from all walks of life. To mirror this diversity, Snapchat chose to make Lily gender non-binary. This step acknowledges that gender identity is a spectrum, and not everyone identifies strictly as masculine or feminine.

Introducing Progressiveness

Snapchat aims to set a progressive example in the tech industry. By making Lily non-binary, the company sends a clear message that it's at the forefront of celebrating and respecting diverse identities. This move positions Snapchat as a leader in promoting inclusivity.

Exploring Alternatives: Choosing Gender in AI Companions

Nevertheless, Snapchat isn't the only option available if you're seeking an AI companion with a specific gender. Several other platforms, such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa, offer the capability to choose your companion's gender.

Google Assistant

Google Assistant allows users to select from a range of voices, including both masculine and feminine options. This flexibility ensures that users can customize their experience to suit their preferences.

Amazon Alexa

Similar to Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa offers users the choice of a masculine or feminine voice for their AI companion. This personalization allows users to feel more connected to their virtual companions.

Addressing User Inquiries

Should you have questions or concerns regarding Snapchat's decision regarding Lily's gender, the company's customer support team is available to assist you. Snapchat values user feedback and is dedicated to addressing any inquiries you may have.

Conclusion: A Step Towards Inclusivity

Snapchat's decision to make Lily gender non-binary represents a stride towards inclusivity and respect for diverse gender identities. In doing so, Snapchat sets a positive example for the tech industry and reaffirms its commitment to serving users from all backgrounds.


  1. Why did Snapchat make Lily non-binary?
    Snapchat aimed to be more inclusive, reflect its diverse user base, and set a progressive example for other companies.
  2. Can I still use Lily as my AI companion?
    Yes, you can still use Lily as your AI companion, but you can no longer assign a specific gender to her.
  3. How do I change the gender of my AI companion on other platforms?
    On platforms like Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa, you can generally select your preferred gender option within the app settings.
  4. Is this change permanent for Lily?
    As of March 8, 2023, this change to Lily's gender identity is permanent, reflecting Snapchat's commitment to inclusivity.
  5. What if I have concerns about this change?
    You can reach out to Snapchat's customer support team for assistance and clarification if you have any questions or concerns.

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