Photoshop adds generative AI capabilities to speed up and facilitate designers' work


 Photoshop adds generative AI capabilities to speed up and facilitate designers' work

Photoshop adds generative AI capabilities to speed up and facilitate designers' work

⬤ Photoshop will have features that allow you to extend or add elements to images using only text commands.

⬤ To avoid legal action, Adobe's generative AI features rely only on licensed images to train them.

⬤Adobe has confirmed that its features will not replace designers, but will make their work faster and easier.

Adobe has announced that it will add generative artificial intelligence features to its popular Photoshop image-editing program, as the features allow users to add entirely new elements to images or remove image elements with just text commands.

The company said the features are the result of a major push to add artificial intelligence technology to its suite of programs for professionals in content design, production and publishing.

These Photoshop features are more open to legal liability than other generative AI tools like Dall-E. Questions remain about the formation and development of these tools for using fonts or images without legal permission, which has discouraged big companies from using them until now.

To address this, Adobe will power its artificial intelligence using a platform called Firefly, which was developed specifically using images that allow legal use. The company said the system could be used in the advertising industry. Adobe has been testing the system for about six weeks at a separate site and said it will add functionality based on it in its Photoshop program.

Among these new features is a feature called "generated fill" or "generated fill," which allows users to augment original images with content and AI-generated backgrounds, or add new elements to images based on textual questions as tools. . Text on image. For example, you can use this feature to turn an image of a single flower into an image of a flower field with the sky and mountains in the background, or you can add colorful butterflies standing on top of a flower.

Eli Greenfield, Adobe's head of digital media technology, said the addition of these capabilities isn't meant to replace artists and designers, but rather to speed up the creation of new images from the ideas of multiple users. In the past, users spent a lot of time searching for images and manually assembling parts of the images. These features only significantly speed up work.

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